General Information About Supplements

Supplements are an important part of the program, but it's important to understand that taking supplements without doing the diet and lifestyle recommendations will not get you very far.

You will find supplement protocols and other supplement recommendations in each phases of the program. They are supplements we have found to make the biggest difference in our clients, and to be generally well tolerated. However, everybody reacts differently to various supplements, so always listen to your own body.

If you know that you often react to supplements, go slowly, starting with one supplement at a time, and only taking a small amount for your first dose. Often, you can open a capsule and take only a 1/4 of the recommended dose to test your tolerance, and then slowly increase.

If you're very sensitive, spend a bit more time 'Setting The Stage' in Phase 1, and focus on diet and all the other aspects of health which we have included in each phases of the program. You will become less sensitive as your overall inflammation reduces.


We see many people who are trying to heal from a chronic illness falling into the trap of trying one supplement after another, hoping for a miracle (supplements company are good with marketing!). It can be very discouraging, let alone expensive. Do not fall into this trap.

We have worked with hundreds of clients and keep up to date with new supplements available on the market. What we recommend in the program is what we know works.

No false promises, no quick fixes... just awesome long term results!


Although you can buy many supplements at your local health food store, buying online is often more convenient, cheaper (or better quality for the same price) and gives you a lot more options in terms of products and brands.

The products we recommend in this program are the ones we love and trust, after trialing multiple brands and products, both personally and with many clients. However, if you have a brand you really love, it's okay to find a similar product to the ones we recommend. However, it's important to know that we have very carefully selected each product for what they contain, and also for what they do not contain. So be very careful when choosing, and only buy from trusted brands.

Whatever you do, do not buy your supplements at the chemist/pharmacy/drug store or supermarket. The quality will be very poor and you will most likely be wasting your money (let alone ingest lots of fillers which might actually make you feel worse).

With supplements – like with anything else – you get what you pay for, so invest in the best quality you can afford.


  • It's best to start with one new supplement at a time and notice the effect (write it in your diary!). Note that some supplements won't necessarily have an obvious effect. For instance, liver support supplements will have an impact over a long term.
  • If you have a negative reaction, write it down! And stop taking it, or reduce the dose.
  • Start with a low dose and slowly increase. This is especially true if you tend to be sensitive to supplements, as mentioned above.
  • If you're sensitive to supplements, we also recommend you use single ingredient supplements to start with. If you take a supplement that contains 4 ingredients for example, it could then be rather tricky to isolate which ingredient you could be reacting to.


It's always best to consult your doctor before trying any supplementation program. This is especially true if you're taking prescription medication.


If you'd like to keep your costs down, it's okay to only pick 1 or 2 supplements to take in each phase of the program. Pick the ones that most resonate with you.

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