Reduce Your Toxic Exposure

From the pesticides on your fruits and vegetables to the water your drink and the cream you put on your face… you are exposed to A LOT of toxins on a daily basis!

The reality is that with today’s lifestyle, we are all toxic to a certain degree, and it can play a major role in how we feel on a day to day basis, and can also contribute to chronic health problems.

In other words, when the body is burdened with more chemicals than it can efficiently detoxify, chronic health problems can occur.

The great news is, that when it comes to toxicity, a lot of it is in your control.

By learning how to reduce your toxic exposure, you will take a big load of your body (especially your liver).... setting the stage for what's to come in Phase 2 and 3 of the program.


This list can be quite overwhelming at first, but try to read it with a positive frame of mind, knowing that you do not have to make all of these changes at once.

For instance, once you run out of cleaning products, replace them with a natural alternative. Slowly replace your plastic containers with glass, one at a time. When your non-stick pan needs replacing, consider investing in a good cast iron pan, etc.

Download the 'Reduce Your Toxic Exposure Checklist' below to help you.


Reduce Consumption of Processed Food. Don’t eat foods made with chemicals you can’t pronounce. Get used to reading labels. If the list of ingredients is too long and complex to figure out, it's probably not good to eat.

Buy Organic When Possible. If you can’t buy everything organic, focus on buying organic dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream, etc.), meats and eggs.

Don't Eat Large Fish. Swordfish, tuna, shark, etc. as they are higher in heavy metals.

Refer to the Dirty Dozen List to know which fruits and vegetables are better to buy organic.


Purchase the most natural cleaning and other household products you can find. Or make your own with essential oils, bicarbonate of soda and lemon.


Many of our clients have asked us what skincare we recommend that's clean, low-tox, good for sensitive skin, but also effective and supports the planet.

This was the inspiration behind the creation of
Native Luxe — an innovative range of soulful skincare products.

✔ All Natural — COSMOS Approved, wild-crafted, certified organic where possible and sustainable ingredients, consciously chosen by us.

✔ High Performance — stem cell extracted bioactives, powerful antioxidants, innovative peptides and time tested ingredients with proven efficacy.

✔ Healthy Skin Microbiome — native ferment and carefully selected ingredients with the skin microbiome in mind.

Shop Native Luxe


Drink Filtered Water. Water can have many toxins and thus regular consumption of unfiltered water can significantly contribute to the toxic load of your body.

Avoid Plastic Water Bottles. The plastic often leaches into the water, especially if heated (like when left in car or outside).

Drink Approximately Six to Eight Glasses of Water Each Day. Use glass or ceramic drinking containers when possible.

Filter Your Shower Water. What goes on your skin gets absorbed readily, so it makes sense to filter what goes on your skin as well. Aquasana and Berkey have good affordable shower filters. Another great option is the hydrogen health shower filter.


Vacum regularly with a HEPA vacum cleaner, such as Dyson or Miele.

HEPA filtration system: Filtering your air is a must.

Option with air filtering systems:

Air Oasis iadaptAir .They ship internationally.

In Australia:

AirClean A8 Air Purifier

Winix Zero + Pro 5-Stage Air Purifier


Plastics Can Disrupt Hormones in your body, especially those containing BPA, although every plastic should be minimised, including BPA free.

Avoid Plastic Bottles and Containers. Slowly transition to glass containers.

Avoid PVCs

Do Not Microwave in plastic containers.

Minimise washing plastic containers in the dishwasher under high heat.

Minimise the use of cling wraps.


Don’t use Non-Stick Cookware (like Teflon). Although they are very convenient to use and clean they emit toxic fumes when overheated. Ask for alternatives at your favourite kitchen shop (cast iron, ceramic coated, etc.).

Invest in a Good Cast Iron Pan. A good cast iron pan will last a lifetime so it’s well worth the investment.


Avoid Mercury Amalgam Fillings and if you already have them, consider getting them removed by a good holistic/biological dentist. However, don't get them removed until phase 3 of the program. We will remind you in Phase 3. ;-)

Get Second Opinions on Root Canals. Root canals commonly become a source of low grade infection, creating a constant stream of toxins in your body. It's best to avoid them if you can. If you already have root canals, find a good holistic /biological dentist to seek advice.

Avoid, if possible, having two different metals in adjacent teeth.

Pick a Dentist who is aware of healthy choices for the mouth, such as a holistic or biological dentist.


Pesticides/ Herbicides: Avoid spraying pesticides or herbicides in your home or your property.

Use Green and Low-VOC Products. This is especially true when re-painting your house and varnishing.

Avoid Furniture with Particle Board... or buy used furniture that has had a chance to ‘off gas’.

Let a New Car ‘Off Gas’ by keeping the windows open.

Minimise Carpet in your home, or use natural carpets.

Avoid Using Pesticides in and around your house.

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