Relaxation: Legs Up The Wall

Viparita Karani or legs Up the Wall pose is Gen's go-to pose, especially after standing for a long time. It feels amazing after a long walk, or a few hours at the shopping centre!


  • Reduces edema in the legs: by reversing the effects of gravity on your legs and feet, you can really help to move any stuck or stagnant fluids that may build up there.
  • Relieves tired leg muscles: hanging out with your legs up the wall is one of the best ways to help drain tension from the legs and feet.
  • You will still be getting many of the benefits of practicing an active inversion (like handstand, headstand or shoulder stand), while also fully resting and surrendering.
  • Deeply calming and nourishing. Helps to quieten the mind.


Basically, Legs Up the Wall posture is exactly as it sounds! You lie on your back with your sit-bones as close to the wall as is comfortable for you. It's more restful for the back if you're really close to the wall, but if you have really tight hamstrings this might be hard for you, so experiment to find what feels best for you own body.

From there, you extend your legs up the wall, so that the back of your legs are resting fully against it.

If your head is tilting back and you find it difficult to tuck your chin in, put a blanket or cushion under your head.

Once comfortable, stay here between five and 15 minutes. You might experience some tingling in your legs at first. If this is uncomfortable, bring your knees to your chest for a few breaths and then extend your legs again.


1- Bring your legs wide to stretch the inner thighs

2- Bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet together, opening the knees wide


As you hold the pose, keep your awareness on your breath. Allow yourself to surrender to the earth.

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