
Trauma can literally shut down your gut, cease motility and single handedly cause SIBO.

Trauma is different to stress, as trauma stores in your body and cells. It doesn't have much to do with what you're perceiving, thinking and therefore feeling... it's more of physiological response or reaction in your body to a trigger that reminds you, either consciously or subconsciously, of a traumatic or series of traumatic events.

You can't think your way out of Trauma, because your frontal cortex is 'off line'... while your 'reptilian brain' - aka - your amygdala is getting all the attention.

Whilst mindfulness, meditation, breath work and yoga can be extremely helpful when it come to managing and/or coping with stress, trauma requires some different techniques to effectively address intrusive symptoms and heal.

At the core of trauma is a deep seated experience in the body of 'being unsafe'. Usually, trauma follows when all of your survival instincts have been triggered... either during a once-off incident... or repetitively over a long period of time. This can result in PTSD, or Complex PTSD (C-PTSD) for the later. C-PTSD often sets in if you have been exposed to ongoing traumatic events for 6 months or more.

We recommend seeking extra help when it comes to trauma and we believe that it's important to try a number of different modalities and practitioners.

Here are some examples of modalities that can help with trauma:

You can make a booking with Leisa for a ThetaHealing Session here.

We have also found that Transcutaneous Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation (TaVNS) is a very affordable yet very effective modality which you can learn to do yourself at home. We'll even show you how to do it in this program!

Learn more about Vagus Nerve Stimulation here

Learn how to do TaVNS here

Trauma provides you with an opportunity to cultivate a great deal of compassion for yourself. Be gentle, kind and loving towards yourself as you experiment with various modalities that may help you. Most importantly, be patient. Sometimes trauma heals in layers... a bit like your gut.

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