What If You're Not Improving

'The Big Clean Up' places a lot of extra demands on your body. As the 'bad guys' die off, they can release a lot of nasty toxins. In a way, they're more toxic to you dead than they are alive!

During Phase 2, 'Die-Off' can sometimes be relentless, with symptoms flaring up and down in seemingly unpredictable ways. This phase can therefore feel disheartening at times, as it's very common to mistakenly view 'Die-Off' as a setback. Changing the way you view 'Die-Off' can be extremely helpful. Be thankful that you're body is cleansing itself... as this will proactively reduce your risk of chronic illness and dis-ease in the future.

Although we've structured this program in a way to reduce 'Die-Off' symptoms as much as possible, sometimes it's simply unavoidable. This is why we created the Die-Off Rescue Kit. If you're still feeling really terrible, make sure you've tried everything we recommend in this kit.

Make coffee enemas your best friend and have a coffee 'date' weekly. ;-) Coffee enemas make a huge difference to how you feel. We can not emphasise this enough!

Address your structural body. This is an area that is often overlooked, but it's important to remember that everything in your body is connected. Sometimes some structural tweaks can make a big difference to your gut. You can learn more about addressing the structural body here.

We specifically included a lot of tools, techniques, tips and strategies within this program to help you master the art of self-care. Learning how to prioritise yourself and rest are important long-term skills to cultivate so that you can take good care of your health for years to come.

Mindfulness can also be really helpful if you're feeling discouraged. Mindfulness helps you to listen to your body so that you can respond with gentleness, kindness and love. You can remind yourself of the many benefits of mindfulness by revisiting that section here.

Additionally, if you're feeling really lost and don't know what to do next, reach out for some extra support. We'll do everything we can to help you get back on track. You can learn more about your options for extra support here.

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