Clean Up Protocol #2- Bust More Bad Guys


We recommend doing protocol #2 for 1 month.

This protocol is a little bit stronger than #1. However, the supplements we've included are usually very well tolerated by most people and cause minimal die-off, especially if you've prepared your body by doing the prep work in Stage 1, and by starting the Big Clean Up with protocol #1: Baby Steps.

We've included how many bottles of each supplement you'll need to do the full protocol for 1 month.



We recommend doing a vitamin C Flush once at the beginning of each of the 'Clean Up Protocols'.

A vitamin C flush may start the process of killing off the bad bacteria in your small intestines. It also supports the immune system and rapid healing.

* Who should be careful with the vitamin C flush/ daily vitamin C: if you know you have oxalate toxicity, mould illness/CIRS or you tend to be very sensitive to supplements (like people with MCAS), be careful. Try the flush once and see how you react. If you react badly, don't do the flush again, and read here about a form of daily vitamin C that you might be able to tolerate.

After doing the flush, you may choose to continue taking your daily dose of Vitamin C as per the instructions.

Click here for the full instructions on how to do a Vitamin C Flush


If you experienced benefits from taking Para 1 in Protocol #1, we recommend continueing taking it for Protocol #2. As mentioned, mimosa pudica seeds are especially good for cleaning up parasites, biofilm, and mucoid plaque.

Dosage: Take 2 capsules twice daily on empty stomach (30 minutes before or 2 hours after a meal).

*Must be taken at least 1 hour away from any binders. Can be taken with any other supplements.

TIP: Many people notice big stringy things (often referred to as rope worms) coming out when taking mimosa pudica. However, if you don't see anything, don't worry, there is still plenty happening as most parasites and other bugs are too small to be seen. Plus, you might not like poking around in the toilet bowl ;-)

Increasing the dose: You can safely increase the dose of mimosa pudica seeds. If you're not getting improvements or would like to speed up the process, check out this blog on Mimosa Pudica Hacks

Where to buy:


Other countries: (Use direct patient order code 3aWjx5GJ)

*You will need 1 bottle for 1 month supply


Para 2 and Neem Plus are two ayurvedic herbal formulas containing a combination of neem, triphala, and other herbs. These both address general dysbiosis, bacterial and fungal overgrowth and also offer the added benefit of anti-parasitic support.

Dosage: Take 2 capsules twice daily on empty stomach (30minutes before or 2 hours after a meal). Can be taken at the same time as Para 1.

* SIBO Specific Dosage: Build up to a dose of 2 capsules 3 times per day

Where to buy:



Other countries: (Use direct patient order code 3aWjx5GJ)



Other countries: available on iherb or Amazon

*You will need 1 bottle for a 1 month supply


Allicin is an extract of garlic with strong antibacterial and antifungal properties. It does NOT contain the high FODMAPs part of garlic, so you don't have to worry about that. It's also the supplement of choice for the treatment of methane SIBO/IMO.

Dosage: Take 360 to 450 mg twice daily, preferably on empty stomach (20- 30minutes before your meal). If you don't tolerate it well this way, take with a meal. Can be taken at the same time as Para 1.

* SIBO Specific Dosage: Build up to a dose of approximately 2000mg/day, split in up to 4 doses.

Tip: If you struggle with the garlic taste, try freezing it.

Where to buy:

We recommend Allimed, which has a higher dose of 450mg of Allisure® per capsules, which makes it easier to take.

Allimed is a UK brand, but is available from NZ here for Australians.

There are other good brands available on iherb and Amazon(such as Allimax and Alliultra), but they have smaller amounts of Allisure®, which means you'll have to take more capsules. Look for something with Allisure® AC-23. Be careful that it doesn't contain 'garlic' as this might cause symptoms.


Biofilms are protective coatings that can form over bacteria and fungus and make them resistant to treatment. Addressing biofilms is a very important step in making sure that your treatment is effective.

Biofilms are very common in the sinuses and in the gut, but they can happen anywhere in the body: teeth, root canals, joint replacements, contact lenses, and so on.

Here are 2 excellent gentle options. We'll introduce a stronger biofilm buster in protocol #3.

Option 1: CISTUS TEA

This tea has the ability to break down biofilms, which should be a part of any gut protocol. What I like about cistus tea is that despite being very effective, it is pretty gentle and doesn't tend to cause a lot of negative reactions. It's also pleasant to drink!

It's also an excellent anti-viral, great to prevent cold, but could also be helpful for people with chronic viral infections, which is unfortunately very common.

Another bonus is that it boosts the immune system and is high in protective anti-oxidants.

Dosage: Start with 1/4 cup per day to test your reaction. Increase to up to 2 to 6 cups daily. Make 1 cup by adding 1 tsp to boiling water and letting steep for 10 minutes. The leaves can be reused 2 to 3 times.

Where to buy: You can get it from Biopureus or on Amazon.


NAC is very safe and also a powerful anti-oxidants (it helps to increase glutathione, your body's main anti-oxidant). It has been well studied for it's anti-biofilm properties.

Dosage: Take 500 to 1000mg (generally 1-2 capsules), once per day.

Where to buy: There are many options. Buy from a reputable brand.


While doing these clean up protocols, it's likely that some of you will experience die-off.

That's why we recommend taking a binder during the clean up protocols. You can choose from the recommended binders here. Our top recommendations for die-off are biotoxin binder or activated charcoal.

You may choose to take your binder daily or only as needed based on your symptoms.

Alternatively, instead of taking a binder, you can choose some of the other recommendations in our die-off rescue kit. We especially like water or coffee enema for this purpose.

Dosage: take the recommended dosage on your chosen binder.

*Binders must be taken at least 1 hour away from Para 1 and 2 hours away from prescription medications.


The bacteria in your sinuses can ultimately end up in your gut. Post nasal drip, which is quite common, can mean that the mucous in your nose and throat can literally be dripping bacteria straight into your gut all day long and while you sleep.

That's why we recommend sinus washing as part of this protocol.


See Probiotics - Crowding Out The Bad Guys

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