How does the program work?

We recommend taking some time to look through the whole program before getting started, to familiarise yourself with it and understand what will be needed at each phase.

As you will see, there is a lot in the program! To help you navigate and find something faster, use the 'Control F' function to find what you are looking for faster. A little box will appear at the bottom of your screen. Simply put the word you are looking for in the box and press one of the arrow next to it.


We've developed this approach after working with thousands of people with gut health issues (including our own!).

We highly recommend following the phases in the suggested order to increase your chance of success, and reduce possible suffering along the way.

It's a bit like peeling an orange, you can't get to the juicy stuff —The Big Clean Up — until you peel the outer layer first, which is what we do in Phase 1.

The phases are:

PHASE 1: Set The Stage

PHASE 2: The Big Clean Up

PHASE 3: Go Deeper

You will stay in each of those phases from 1 to 3 months or even longer, depending on where you're at with your health.

Each of these phases are crucial for your success... do NOT be tempted to jump to the phase you THINK you need... you need all of them!

Do it at your own pace, there is no rush. Improving health takes time!


Each of the three phases are separated in eight sections.

Here are the eight sections:

  • Introduction
  • What You Need To Know
  • Supplements & Protocols
  • Sorting Out The Basics (Phase 1 & 2 only)
  • Show Your Body Some Love
  • What on Earth Do I Eat?
  • Light Up Your Spirit
  • Supercharge Your Healing

Again.... do NOT be tempted to overly focus on only one or two sections... such as 'Supplements and Protocols' and 'What On Earth Do I Eat'.

True healing will happen when you address EVERY aspects of your health.

In fact, the areas you are most resistant to are often the ones that you need the most! Take some time to mull over this ;-)


In this Rescue Kits section, you will find the following:

  • Die-Off Rescue Kit
  • Constipation Rescue Kit
  • Diarrhea Rescue Kit

We recommend stocking up on everything you need for those kits now. You want to be prepared for when you might actually need us, when you need them, you won't feel like going out to purchase what you need, or worse, wait a week for delivery!


We've decided to give the diet aspect of our program its own section, because each of you will go through various steps of the diet at different speeds.


  • Reset Diet
  • Supersafe Diet
  • Safe Diet
  • Adventurous Diet
  • Daredevil Diet

Some of you will stay longer in certain steps, such as the Safe Diet, and some will go through it more quickly.

In the 'Finding Your Ideal Diet' section, we will guide you through a series of steps which will involve the elimination and re-introduction of various foods to help you get in tune with your own body, and find out what works for you, and what doesn't.

By following these steps carefully, you will figure out your very own anti-inflammatory diet. In other words... the ideal diet for your unique biology. Rather than restrict your diet further, this will eventually allow you to expend your diet, while feeling as good as you possibly can.

In the 'What On Earth Do I Eat' sections included in each main phase of the program (Phase 1, 2 and 3), we've given you a rough guide of where you might be at with your diet during each of these phases. However, it's okay to progress through the diets in your own time, depending on your sensitivities, etc.


This is simply an example of how someone might go through the phases of the program. However, this will look different for everyone.

Week 1: Start with Phase 1 'Set The Stage'. Read through the 'What You Need To Know Section' and start preparing to do the 'Reset Diet'. Purchase the supplements you will need for the 'Prep Work Protocol' and for the 'Rescue Kits', including an enema kit.

Week 2: You've received your supplements, so you get started on the 'Prep Work Protocol'. You do the Reset diet, which you prepared everything for in week 1. You also start exploring some of the recommendations in Phase 1 'Sorting Out The Basics' and pick one or two to focus on, such as 'Optimise Your Sleep' and 'Sun Exposure'. You take a look at the section 'Show Your Body Some Love' and start practicing the belly massage daily before getting out of bed. You also try the yoga and energy sequence 1. You really love the energy sequence, so you decide to practice it twice per day to really kick start your healing and get your energy moving.

Week 3: Your efforts in week 1 have already paid off and you are starting to feel better, yay! You transition to the Supersafe diet. Your sleep has improved since following some of the tips in "Optimise Your Sleep', so you're excited to explore another recommendation in the 'Sorting Out The Basics' section. As your energy has improved, you decide to start getting out in nature twice a week. You are still doing the belly massage daily and the energy sequence, and also start to do the yoga sequence a few times per week.

Week 4-6: You're cruising along, enjoying feeling better. You even try a water enema and are surprised that it's a lot more pleasant than you thought! You also start practicing gratitude on a daily basis. You transition from the Supersafe diet to the Safe diet.

Week 7: Your digestion has improved significantly (although is still not 100% right) and your energy is better. You're feeling ready to move to Phase 2... The Big Clean Up. You are enjoying the new habits you have developed in Phase 1, such as getting out in nature, moving daily and practicing gratitude. You're excited to explore new ways to improve your health! You purchase the supplements needed for the Clean Up Protocol #1.

Week 8-12: You're still on the Safe diet and you're enjoying the recipes, so you decide to stay here for a little while longer as you get started on the Big Clean Up. You start on the supplement protocol #1. In week 12, you start feeling TERRIBLE! What??? But then you remember reading about 'Detox Reactions' in Phase 1, and you think that's what's happening. You head over to the Die-Off Rescue Kit and are feeling so grateful that you have everything you need. You follow the recommendations and start feeling better the next day, although it takes a few days to get back to almost normal. You're looking forward to your next coaching call to hear about other people's experiences with die-off!

Week 13: You feel ready to start on the Adventurous Diet while you continue your Big Clean Up.

And so on....

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