How To Keep Your Gut Happy

Don't be tempted to go back to your old habits.

You worked so hard in the last few months to create positive changes in your life and it's really important to continue to practice the things you learned in this program.

Remember that health is a long-term commitment and just because you feel better now doesn't mean that you should stop looking after yourself.

As you know health isn't always linear and, like most people, you will experience good days and bad days. You don't have to have perfect health all the time.

However, you are now empowered and have all the tools you need to maintain good health for the rest of your life.

A part of maintaining your health might involve doing a 'reset' or a 'mini detoxification retreat' at home once or twice a year.

For instance, you might want to do the Reset diet a few times per year. Gen likes to do it at the beginning of the year, after her Christmas extravaganza! Another good time to do this would be if you're feeling a bit sluggish or like you gut symptoms have crept up on you, or simply if you feel like your diet has gone a bit haywire.

We also recommend that you remain pro-active about detoxification. We don't want to sound pessimistic, but it's very hard to avoid toxins these days. So it's a good idea to schedule some time a few times per year to go back to your favourite detoxification technique and/or supplements.

It could be:

  • Doing a series of enemas
  • Taking your favourite binder for 1-2 months
  • Doing a series of infrared saunas, detox baths or mud baths
  • Doing some castor oil packs

What's great about owning this program is that you can access all the information you need to continue to look after your beautiful body and mind.

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