
You've started building some great life habits in Phase 1, and we hope that you're starting to see the benefits of a good night's sleep, spending time in nature, getting out in the sun and moving!

If you haven't started exploring these 'basics' yet, it's okay, it's never too late ;-) Go and check out the 'Sorting Out The Basics' section from Phase 1 now.

You have also started to reduce your toxic exposure and we recommend you keep working on that, we know it takes time.

In phase 2, we are going to continue to discover new ways to reduce your toxic exposure and also explore some other practices that can greatly improve your well-being.

As we said before... you don't need to do it all at once... the last thing we want is for you to become overwhelmed and do nothing at all!

Choose one thing the focus on, implement it so it becomes a new habit, and then move to the next one.

Follow your intuition to know which is the most important for you right now... but be careful of resistance. If you keep finding excuses to not do something... you might need to push through and just do it anyway. This is often when you will experience the biggest shifts.

And remember, it's often the seemingly simple little things you do everyday that make the biggest difference.


  • Reducing EMF exposure
  • Grounding
  • Oral health

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