Coffee Enemas

COFFEE ENEMAS have been used as a healing remedy for the last 100 years; they are particularly well known as part of the treatment of cancer with Gerson Protocol.

Coffee enemas can do wonders for people suffering from constipation, but they are also considered to be one of the best ways of cleansing the liver and speeding up detoxification processes in the body. Many people report that coffee enema gives a good pain relief as well. The mechanism of its function is not clear, but it is thought that various substances in the coffee — like caffeic aci and palmitic acid — absorb through the rich capillary bed of the rectum into the portal veins, which lead directly to the liver.

We recommend doing a coffee enema whenever there is a need, which can be once a day, once every few days or once in a while.

Here is what people report after using coffee enemas: migraine headaches disappear; feel better, more clear-headed and more energetic; nausea goes away or greatly reduced; pain relief (anywhere in the body); better mood; acne clears up; other skin problems clear up; less reflux; better sleep; feel 'less toxic'.

Once a person has experienced the coffee enema, they usually know when they need another one.


Enema Kit

There are numerous available on the market, but we recommend getting a good quality stainless kit with transparent soft silicone or PVC tubing. This is because these are much easier to clean and are more 'dependable'. Silicon enema bags (that look like a hot water bottle) can be difficult to clean and can get mouldy.

Here's an example of a stainless steel kit in Australia.

And here's an example of a stainless kit in the USA.

* You can also use a DIY kit, using a hot water bottle, glass container or stainless steel saucepan and a tube from your hardware store... the whole kit will cost you less than $5! This is actually what Gen uses and it works just fine.

See more information about what you'll need in the Water Enema section.


Although you can use any good quality organic coffee, there are some coffees that have been specifically designed to offer the best benefits when doing an enema. A light roast is best.

Here are a few good options:

S.A Wilson Coffee: AUS | USA

Australia: Light Golden Roast

USA/ Amazon: Purelife Enema Coffee


It's a good idea to do the enema in the bath the first time, just in case! However, once you are used to it, you can lay down on some old towels while doing the enema.


  1. Mix together 1 liter of water (4 cups) and 4 tablespoons of ground coffee (see options above). This will be enough to do 2 enemas with 500ml each.
  2. Bring to the boil and boil for 2 minutes.
  3. Reduce the heat to a minimum, cover with a tight lid and simmer for another 15 min.
  4. Cool down to body temperature and strain.

If planning to do a few coffee enemas during the week (to really supercharge your healing!), you can prepare enough to do 8 enemas (which is actually 4 enemas, as you will be doing 2 in a row each time) by putting 16 tablespoons (about 1 cup) of ground coffee into 1 litre of water. Follow the instructions above. Strain into a glass container and add enough water to bring back up to 1 litre. To do each enema, use 1 cup of the coffee solution and add another cup of boiled, filtered water.


Here are a few things you can do to boost the benefits of your coffee enema.

Molasses: Add 1 tbsp of organic blackstrap molasses to the coffee solution. It’s best to add when the coffee solution is still hot so that it mixes in evenly. This will help you retain the solution longer and more easily.

Biomolecular oxygen and bioactive carbon mineral: For an even more powerful enema, add 2 to 10 drops of biomolecular oxygen and bioactive carbon mineral to the coffee solution (start with 2 drops and work your way up). Best added once the coffee solution has cooled down to body temperature.

Binders (Biotoxin, Vir-Rad-Chem and/or HM-ET binder): Take 2 caps 15-30 minutes before the enema and then another 2 caps directly after the enema. The biotoxin binder is best for bacterial and parasites by-products and mold/mycotoxins. The HM-ET binder is best for heavy metals and environmental toxins such as pesticides. The Vir-Rad-Chem binder is a good all-rounder. You can mix and match any of those.

You can buy all of those products (except the molasses) here (US and outside Australia. Use code 3aWjx5GJ ) or here (Australia)

Probiotics: Open up 1-2 capsules (5-30 billion organisms) of a probiotic containing Lactobacillus and bifidobacteria (such as Probiota sensitive available here in Australia and here in other countries ) and add to the coffee solution once cooled.

Butyrate: Open 2 capsules and add this to the coffee solution. We recommend butycaps (availabe on Amazon AUS or USA) or Healus (available here on Amazon AUS or here in the USA).


We recommend doing 2 coffee enemas back to back for best results.

In order to ramp up detoxification, you need to retain the coffee solutions in the bowel for 20 minutes for each enema. This can be a challenge at first, but will get easier with time. Adding the molasses (see hacks above) will help if you are struggling to retain for the full 15-20 minutes.

  1. Use 500 ml (2 cups) for each enema.
  2. Lie down on the right side with knees brought up to the tummy, or assume a knee and elbow position (so the exit of the bowel is higher than other parts of the bowel, allowing the coffee solution to flow in). Lubricate the end of the tube with some oil. If using a simple tube instead of an enema kit, you will need to suck at the end of the tube to get the liquid to flow and then introduce in the bowel (do this over the bath before getting into the described position above).
  3. Let all the coffee into the bowel and take the nozzle out (again do this over the bath if using a simple tube).
  4. Retain for 20 minutes. Changing position can help to keep the coffee in longer. So, when there is an urge to empty, turn onto another side, or onto the back or assume a knee and elbow position.
  5. After 20 minutes, expel the solution in the toilet. It’s best to wait until you feel an urge to evacuate.
  6. Repeat the whole process a second time.

*If doing the enema for detoxification, it is best to do the coffee enema AFTER a bowel movement, preferably in the morning. This will make it easier to keep the coffee in for the recommended 20 minutes.

**If you are doing the enema primarily for constipation relief, you can do the enema at any time. Try to keep the coffee inside the bowels for as long as possible, even when you feel an urge to expel, as this will help stimulate the vagus nerve and strengthen the bowel muscles. However, if you feel a strong urge to empty your bowels, there is no need to wait for 20 minutes.


If you have trouble keeping the enema in, you might need to do a water enema first to empty the bowel.

See more information about water enema here.

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