Supplements To Aid Protein Digestion: BETAINE HCL


Betaine HCL increases the acidity in your stomach (lowers the pH). Although some people have TOO MUCH acidity, a lot more people have TOO LITTLE stomach acid. Even if you have acid reflux/heart burn, you might actually have too little acidity in your stomach... more on that below.

Correcting issues with stomach acidity is absolutely key and can often be the magic bullet!


The acidity in the stomach is one of the very first steps of digestion, and it triggers a chain reaction for all of the other digestive processes —release of pancreatic enzymes, closing of sphincter to prevent reflux, etc. So when there is low acidity in the stomach (a pH that is too high), the whole system falls apart!

It’s also your first line of defense against bacteria, parasites, etc. If the acidity in your stomach is not high enough to kill the bugs, they will accumulate in your digestive tract, causing a lot of problems, even potentially leading to SIBO.

Stomach acidity is essential for good digestion, especially for protein digestion.


HCL Guard by Healthy Gut.

Buy here in Australia and here in the USA.


Take 1-2 capsules (if 1 is not helping, increase to 2. Most people will need 2) with each main meal for a trial period of 1-2 weeks. If you have a small snack, you do NOT need to take it.

  • If you feel burning after taking just 1 capsule, or have other bad reactions, stop taking immediately. You can take 1 tsp bicarbonate soda in water to reduce the burning sensation. If you experienced burning, this means that you either don’t need it, or your stomach lining is very irritated/inflamed and increasing stomach acid is not a good thing right now.
  • If you notice any improvement in your symptoms (less bloating, better bowel movement, more energy, etc), continue taking at the same dose for 2- 3 months, and than you can try stopping and see if your symptoms return.
  • If you don't notice any improvement in your symptoms after 2 weeks, you should stop taking it.

* Important:

  • Do not take betaine HCL if you have a current or a history of ulcer.
  • Do not take if you are currently taking NSAIDS
  • PPI or other anti-acid medication will negate the effect of the betaine HCL as they have the opposite effect.


Ascorbic acid (pure non-buffered) : Taking 2.5 to 5 grams of ascorbic acid before meals can help increase the stomach acid. Make sure you use a non-buffered form.

Apple cider vinegar: This can help, although we have found that most people can't take enough to truly increase the acidity. Try taking a 'shot' of about 1 to 2 tbsp before meals (not if you have histamine intolerance).

Digestive bitters: This can be helpful as it stimulates your body to make it's own acidity. For some people this can be enough, but if you don't experience any benefit from this, try the betaine HCL.

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