What To Remember About Phase 2

Like most people, you were probably super keen to jump straight into Phase 2 of this program. Unfortunately, conventional medicine has taught us to believe that: you tell your doctor your list of symptoms, your doctor runs some tests, you get some sort of diagnoses and then you take a bunch pills.

This is why the 'Supplements & Protocols' section in Phase 2 is the bit that most people get excited about when it comes to their gut health... because they just want to 'get in there and kill things'. But as you're probably starting to figure out, this is just a part of the solution. Whilst 'getting the bad guy under control' is super important, you have to address your body, mind and spirit as a whole to truly embody a happy gut... and have sustainable results. That's why we've included so many other important sections in each phase of this program.

By now, you've cleaned up a lot! SIBO, Candida, parasites and pretty much anything else that could have been going wrong in your gut. We know that Phase 2 is huge... but that's because it's so thorough. We've left no stone unturned.


  • SIBO, Candida/SIFO, parasites, the microbiome, dysbiosis, probiotics and prebiotics.
  • 3 progressive protocols and accompanying supplements to clean up your gut and your body.
  • How to do a Vitamin C Flush.
  • Supplements like Mimosa Pudica, Olive Leaf Extract, Binders, Para 2, Allicin, Oregano Oil, Berberine and Prokinetics.
  • Teas like Pau d'Arco, Tulsi and Cistus.
  • Reducing your EMF exposure, the benefits of grounding and the importance of oral health when it comes to your gut.
  • Getting in tune with your body through more advanced practices of belly massage, energy sequence and yoga.
  • Mindfulness, meditation, breath-work and Vagus Nerve Stimulation - aka - Transcutaneous Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation, or TaVNS.
  • The benefits of some Supercharge Your Healing Tools like coffee enemas and mud baths.

We're super excited that you've gotten this far in the program. Completing 'The Big Clean Up' shows how committed you are to your health.

Your reward? You should be feeling a lot better!

Notice the difference in how you feel and how far you've come. Seeing and thinking about all the shifts that are continuously occurring in your health will keep you focused and moving forward with positive expectation.

Remember to take some time to celebrate your progress and successes... no matter how big or small. Perhaps you could host a small dinner party with some friends to show off how tasty having a happy gut can really be!

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