Introduction to Phase 3

In this phase of the program, you'll learn about and experience the deeper layers of detoxing and will 'Go Deeper' to cleanse out chemicals, heavy metals, mycotoxins, viruses and toxic emotions.

This phase also cleanses out any left over remnants from Phase 2, the 'Die-Off' toxins, aka - the dead guys you left behind - from bacteria, yeasts and/or parasites.

We even go deep into your ecology and take a closer look at the possible toxins hiding in your home.

We're also going to spring clean your mind and emotional body... where you can experience detoxing at the soul level.

This phase gets to the core of who you are... we go to the cellular level - both physically and metaphysically... scrubbing every nook and cranny... leaving you feeling refreshed, nourished and rejuvenated.

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