
In this section, you will find multiple ways to show your body some love!

Energy and Yoga Sequences

If time permits, do both sequences on a daily basis. However, it's totally ok to alternate between the 2 sequences... don't stress about it, just do what you can!

To get into a routine, we recommend setting a time daily when you will do each sequences.

A few times that work well for many people are:

  • Early morning (this ensures that you will do it ;-)
  • When coming back home from work
  • Before bed (the yoga sequence might be best here)

Once you have done each sequences a few times, you can make up your own practice, including your favourite parts of each sequences.

Belly Massage

This is best done daily, but if you skip a day here and there it's no big deal. A great time to do this is first thing in the morning, before getting out of bed.

Breathing Exercise: Box Breathing

The ability to consciously regulate your breath allows the body to leave a state of stress (fight or flight) and enter a state of calm (rest & digest). You can practice this breathing exercise at any time during the day... it will make you feel calmer and in control in just a few minutes.


We share a very simple pose called 'Legs Up The Wall' that can be deeply restorative and relaxing.

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