Ramp Up Detoxification

You have already learned a lot of fantastic ways to support detoxification throughout the program, such as movement, lymphatic massage, optimising sleep, eating an nutrient rich anti-inflammatory diet, castor oil packs, water and coffee enema, grounding, mud baths etc . Keep going with those!

Here we will share a few more suggestions to ramp up detoxification, and also recap on what you have already learned in Phase 1 and 2.


When you want to improve detoxification, you have to address those two very important steps before doing anything else:


The best way to show your liver some love is by decreasing the amount of toxins you put into your body. We discussed this in Phase 1. Revisit ' Reduce your Toxic Exposure' for more info about how to decrease the amount of toxins you put into your body.


Processed, lifeless foods are seen by the body as a toxin. Removing all food sensitivities is also key; hopefully you have identified your main food sensitivities at this point in the program and have removed them from your diet.

You are now eating a clean diet low in processed food and high in quality protein and vegetables as part of this program. This is absolutely key to support detoxification.


Beetroots are great as they support bile flow. However, they are high in FODMAPs and oxalates, so if these are issues for you, you are best to consume them in moderation.

Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli sprouts are a very good source, easy to have daily) are amazing to support detoxification Phase 1 and 2 in the liver.

Good quality proteins are essential as the provide the amino-acids essential for phase 2 detoxification.

Liver, if you can eat it, is AMAZING! It provides so many important nutrients in the highest amount, including zinc and vit Bs.

Bone broths supplies glycine and other minerals.

Colorful fruits and vegetables are important for their antioxidant content. Choose fruits and vegetables that your body loves!

Fibre is critical to consume plenty of vegetables at every meal along with supplementing with fibre if necessary. Fibre helps to make sure that the toxins in your gut are getting out as quickly as possible. Seeds such as chia (warning: very high in oxalates) or flax seeds are also a good option. If you don’t tolerate these seeds, just be sure to include sources of fibre in your diet that you do tolerate (simple vegetables can often be enough).

Essential fatty acids are essential to health, and they are also essential to keep the bile flowing. Make sure you include plenty of healthy fats in your diet.


Stimulating the lymphatic system is a really important part of ridding the body of toxins. However, if your lymphatic system has been stagnant for a while, be mindful not to go too fast, as this can trigger detox reactions if too many toxins are mobilised.

Here are a few ways to stimulate lymphatic flow.


Any form of movement and exercise will stimulate lymphatic drainage... that's why it's so important to move!

Dry skin brushing

Brushing the skin of the entire body while it’s dry with a special natural bristle brush made specifically for this purpose, is a fantastic method both for exfoliating the skin, as well as stimulating and supporting improved functioning of the entire lymphatic system. You can also do this before a bath or a sauna, to enhance their beneficial effect.


If you have access to a rebounder or trampoline, bouncing on this piece of equipment is one of the best things you can do to support your body’s ability to naturally offload toxins. Even just bouncing gently without leaving the mat is beneficial, as this action directly stimulate and mobilise the body’s entire lymphatic system, assisting it in the transport, processing and elimination of wastes and pathogenic materials.

Supplement to Stimulate Lymphatic Drainage: Lymphatic Support is fantastic... which is why we have included it in the supplement protocol for phase 3.


If you haven't tried oil pulling, we recommend giving it a go.

Learn more about oil pulling here.


Negative emotions, bad relationships, and stress can all contribute to your overall level of toxicity. Make sure you practice some form of meditation every day to help cultivate a positive state of mind, and consider getting out of toxic relationships.

Learn more here.


Poor gut health is a double whammy:

1- It increases the amount of toxins your body has to deal with.

2- Good gut bacteria (aka probiotics) help in the detoxification process... if you have a lack of good bacteria, you are not detoxifying as efficiently.

Are you glad we have already addressed this in Phase 2 ;-)


Heavy metal toxicity can really hinder your progress towards good health and it's actually very common. Heavy metal toxicity, especially when it comes to mercury, is linked to Candida and other serious gut health issues.

If you have amalgam fillings in your mouth, they are constantly leaching mercury into your gut, causing a lot of damage. This mercury can also be absorbed directly into your bloodstream and get stored anywhere in your body, including your brain.

Now that you have prepared your body in Phase 1 and 2, you can consider having them replaced.

The process for removing amalgams can be tough on the body and many people get very sick if it's done too early in a health program. This is why we don't recommend doing it until now - in Phase 3 of the program. Ideally, you should be able to tolerate 2 caps of HM-ET binder twice a day before getting them replaced (see Scrub The Nook's and Crannies).

Only get your amalgam fillings replaced by a good holistic/biological dentist who knows how to significantly reduce the amount of mercury vapour when removing them. A good holistic/biological dentist will get to know you and will only remove fillings at a rate your body can cope with and will schedule your dental appointments after having considered your immune system and medical status.

If you have root canals and haven't addressed them yet, ask your awesome new dentist for advice.


We love binders! They are really fantastic to remove all sorts of toxins from the body.

To learn more about binders, click here.

In Phase 3, we will use two binders as part of the supplement protocol that will help remove heavy metals as well as other chemicals from your body, Vir-Rad-Chem binder and HM-ET binder.

The HM-ET binder is a true chelator and is specifically designed to bind to heavy metals.

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