
The idea that parasites only exist in underdeveloped countries is a myth.

Parasites are actually much more common than we think.

And if you have a comprised gut environment, you are even more prone to being infected with parasites, because your immune system is compromised and not protecting yourself from those foreign invaders.


A parasite is any organism that lives and feeds off of another organism.

They can range from tiny organisms that cannot be seen by the human eye, to huge worms that reach several feet in length. Gross!

Some examples of parasites: roundworms, tapeworms, pinworms, whipworms, hookworms, and more. Because parasites come in so many different shapes and sizes, they can cause a very wide range of problems.


  • Contaminated water from underdeveloped countries (often the cause of the infamous traveller’s diarrhoea, but could also lead to more chronic infection)
  • Undercooked meat (especially pork)
  • Sushis
  • Unclean or contaminated fruits and vegetables (think salad bar)
  • Lakes, ponds, or creeks.
  • In Australia, Blastocystis Hominis can be found in tank water. This is because possums can carry it… they poo on your roof, et voila, blasto in your water ;-(
  • Animals: Do you let your dog lick your face? Cats can carry toxoplasmosis…that’s why you are advised not to change cat litters during pregnancy.
  • Some parasites can even enter the body by traveling through the bottom of your foot, so you ever walk barefoot, you can catch them this way.


It's important to understand that any imbalances in the gut (bad bacteria,SIBO, SIFO, parasites, yeast, etc) can cause very similar symptoms, so it's nearly impossible to know what's going on just with a list of symptoms.

However, if you have the symptoms highlighted in bold below, it should raise a suspicion that parasites is a likely issue for you.

  1. GI issues: Constipation and gas/bloating are especially common, but also diarrhea and other IBS symptoms
  2. Difficulty sleeping: This is one of the biggest tell-tale signs of parasites. This may mean difficulty falling asleep, difficulty staying asleep, restless sleep, grinding of teeth at night, Restless Leg Syndrome, or any combination of these, as well as being hungry at night.You may also wake up feeling exhausted even after a long sleep. All of these things occur because parasites are most active at night.
  3. Skin issues such as rash, hives, rosacea, or eczema
  4. Arthritis like aches and pain. Low back pain is common.
  5. Feeling tired all the time
  6. Anxiety
  7. Being hungry all the time, or never feeling satisfied after your meals
  8. Iron-deficiency
  9. History of food poisoning and ‘your digestion has not been the same since’ (this is also a major cause of SIBO)
  10. Persistent flu-like symptoms
  11. Difficulty gaining or losing weight
  12. Food sensitivities
  13. Allergic like reaction, including hay fever
  14. Blood sugar issues that don’t seem to improve no matter what
  15. Itchy anus…. not something you talk about at the dinner table, but it is a common sign of parasites, especially in the evening/ night


As you can see, symptoms go way beyond the GI tract.

Many of those symptoms are caused by the toxins that parasites release into the bloodstream, including ammonia.

Parasites also place a major burden on the immune system and are especially toxic to the liver. This can make you more susceptible to viruses and other infections (let alone the fact that parasites can actually be a house for those organisms), but can also trigger auto-immune reactions, food sensitivities and unexplained fatigue.

By eliminating parasites, your body can then reduce its toxic load and your system can more efficiently clear pathogenic bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, fungus, and mold.


Testing for parasites is extremely flawed, and often results in false negatives (meaning you have parasites, but the test fails to show it). The trouble is that parasites don’t necessarily come out every time you have a bowel movement. So even if your test is negative, it doesn't mean you don't have parasites.

These are the 2 most accurate tests:

1- PCR stool test. Most GP offer this test now, so it's a good place to get started.

2- GI MAP: This test is useful to detect any gut infections, including parasites. It uses a novel DNA technique (qPCR) to detect a comprehensive list of bacteria (both pathogenic and commensal), viruses, fungi, and parasites. It's more expensive but will cover a lot more.

You are able to order the GI-MAP test here. In Australia, you can contact us at [email protected]

Parasites considered definite pathogens (must be treated): Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia, Cryptosporidium.

Parasites considered opportunistic (treated depending on symptoms, history): Dientamoeba fragilis, Endolimax nana, Blastocystis Hominis


The best way to get rid of parasites and re-balance your gut is to follow the 'Clean Up Protocols' 1 to 3, which include anti-microbials / anti-parasitics, biofilm busters, binders to reduce die-off reactions, as well as probiotics and prebiotics to help re-balance your gut microbiome, making the environment less friendly for parasites in the future.


One thing to remember is that parasites have life cycles, from eggs to larvae and so on. This means that if you do have parasites, you may need to do many rounds of treatment for many months to ensure that you kill everything.

It's also helpful to cycle between different products.

If you know that you have parasites, we recommend starting with the 'Clean Up Protocols' 1 to 3, as this will be enough to get rid of most parasites, especially if combined with the diet protocol and other lifestyle changes recommended in this program.

If you still have symptoms after doing all 3 protocols and you have been tested positive for parasites, we have provided you with extra tips specific for parasites in the 'Personalise Your Protocol' section of Phase 2 - Clean Up Your Gut.

If you suspect that you may have parasites but haven't done any tests, we would recommend doing one of the tests recommended above.

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