Constipation Rescue Kit

Constipation is a very common problem... you're not alone!

Following the recommendations in this program will help tremendously to improve your bowel movement on the long term.

However, this might take time, so it's worth making sure you have some of these items in your cupboard to make up your 'Constipation Rescue Kit'.

IMPORTANT: When going through protocols to kill parasites and bacteria (like you will be doing in 'The Big Clean Up') and detox protocols (like you will be doing in 'Go Deeper') it's very important to make sure you're having at a very minimum one good bowel movement daily — more is better — as this ensures that the toxins are getting out as quickly as possible and not getting stuck in your colon, making you feel ill. Some people experience a worsening of their constipation when going through these protocols, so it's good to be prepared!

Fun Fact: a healthy stool should be the size of your elbow to your wrist!


If you struggle to have at least one good bowel movement daily, try one of the following.

These are all non-habit forming (will not cause dependency) and will not irritate your gut, which are two common issues with commonly used laxatives.

Oxy Powder: This will loosen your stools and can also help to clean up the gut of old impacted stool. Find your ideal dose to ensure a daily bowel movement, usually 1- 3 capsules. Please note that this will cause loose stools in most people.

Australia: Available on Amazon

Other countries: Buy here

Bowel Mover: This product is also very effective, although it doesn't always work as quickly as Oxy powder. It stimulates a normal bowel motion, so you should not have loose stools when using, just a nice, easy to pass bowel movement.

Australia: Buy here

Other countries: Buy here (Use code 3aWjx5GJ )

Magnesium citrate: Any will do, either capsules or powder. Natural Calm is a popular option. Find your ideal dose to ensure a daily bowel movement.

Vitamin C: Vitamin C at high dose (at least 4-5 grams daily) works really well to stimulate bowel movement, especially when combined with magnesium citrate. Read more about finding your ideal dose here.


Here are a few great options to help 'flush out' your colon.

This is especially helpful when suffering from die-off reactions. Also see 'Die-Off Rescue Kit'.

Oxy Powder: It can be used to trigger a mini 'enema' if taking a high dose before bed (4-6 capsules).

Enema: Learn more about enemas here. A coffee enema can also be useful.

Vitamin C Flush: Learn more here.


If you have been suffering from constipation for a long time, we recommend watching this webinar where we go in a lot more depth about how to end constipation.

But rest assured that, as mentioned above, your bowel movements should slowly (or quickly for some!) improve as you follow the steps in this program.

Watch the Webinar 'End Your Constipation Frustration'

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