Improve Your Energy

Energy is everything. If you're tired all the time, your body simply doesn't have the energy to heal, let alone the fact that you don't have any energy to enjoy your life.

That's why improving energy should be one of the first steps in any healing program.

There are many reasons for being tired, but by addressing the following main causes of fatigue, most people will see a significant improvement in their energy levels.


We recommend getting a full thyroid panel including TSH (the standard test for thyroid), free t3 and t4 and thyroid antibodies. Although the work you'll do in this program will greatly improve your thyroid health, it's very difficult to heal without a functioning thyroid. Many people are resistant to taking hormones, but in our opinion, this is one that could truly make a difference, at least until some healing has happened. If you're already on thyroid medication but still not feeling quite right, switching to a mix of t3 and t4 medication can be helpful.

On a positive note, many of our clients are able to wean off their hormones, over many months, after their gut and overall health have improved.


When you eat foods that you're sensitive to, it activates the immune system and creates a lot of inflammation in the body, which means you'll be very tired!

You can learn more about this in the 'Leaky Gut' section.

The Reset, Supersafe and Safe diet which you will follow at the beginning of this program, as part of the 'Finding Your Ideal Diet' section, are low in trigger foods.

For some people, this alone can make a tremendous difference in their energy level.


Balancing your blood sugar is a very important part of your healing journey, as blood sugar swings (from high to low) are very stressful for the body. Balancing your blood sugar will reduce inflammation in your body and stabilise your energy and your mood.

Learn more about balancing blood sugar

4- HEAL HPA-AXIS DYSFUNCTION (more commonly known as adrenal fatigue).

This is a big one for many people, especially if you have had episodes of high stress/trauma in your life.

Learn more about HPA-axis dysfunction here.


If you are doing everything right and you're still tired and unable to heal, we recommend getting some extra support.

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