When To Move On To Phase 2

When making the decision to move onto Phase 2, there are a few things to consider.

For example, how long have you been ‘setting the stage’? Some people need to 'Set The Stage' for longer than others. Ideally, you want to 'Set The Stage' for 1 - 3 months.

If you started off really sick, you might need to 'Set The Stage' for 3 months, or even longer

Ideally, you want to feel a bit better before diving into Phase 2. 'The Big Clean Up' will place a lot of extra demands on your body, so it's important to be fully prepared.

Before moving onto Phase 2, we'd like to see you have:

  • An improvement in your symptoms: with less digestive symptoms like bloating, and less aches and pains etc.
  • An increase in your energy levels: with less fatigue. If you can go for a gentle 30-minute walk everyday, then you'll be moving your lymph and will be able to shuttle the toxins that will become mobile during Phase 2 out of your body.

Tune into yourself and listen to your body… what does it tell you?

We'll remind you again of the importance of water enemas - yes, we know, we bang on and on about this - but this is because it will truly help you cope with Phase 2.

If you feel you have adequately prepared yourself for any 'die-off' that may occur during Phase 2... and you're feeling a bit better... and you have created enough energy to progress through Phase 2, then you're ready to move on. Whoo-hoo!

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