When To Move On To Phase 3

This is quite simple - if you've done each protocol for at least one month - and you're feeling better, then you're ready to 'Go Deeper'.

Here's a quick reminder of the Phase 2 Clean Up Protocols:

  • Baby Steps
  • Bust More Bad Guys
  • Bring Out The Big Guns

If you've completed all of these... 'Go Deeper' is your next step.

If you've been treating SIBO, remember to keep taking your prokinetic.

You can learn more about prokinetic options in the Personalise Your Protocol section.

You also might like to take a little break between Phase 2 and Phase 3. After all, you've been 'working hard' for a while now and might just want to 'chill out' and enjoy life for a month or two.

Even if you take a 'break', we recommend that you don't change your diet and that you still continue with the wonderful healing/self-care practices you have learned along the way. But you can ease off a bit :-)

When you're ready... 'Go Deeper' and take your health to the next level.

Complete and Continue