Daily Emotional Detox Regime

The emotional aspects of healing cannot be overlooked. Toxic emotions can literally make your physical body acidic and toxic.

Finding ways to cleanse your toxic thoughts, feelings and emotions on a daily basis helps keep your physical body strong and healthy.

Don't let things build up! Sometimes we can bottle things up inside for a number of reasons such as:

  • You were taught that your feelings and emotions didn't matter, and/or that you were a bother to someone.
  • You feel embarrassed or ashamed.
  • You fear being judged.
  • You have difficulty identifying your feelings and emotions.
  • You learnt to suffer in silence.
  • You don't want to focus on 'the negative'.
  • You don't realise the impact stifled emotions can have on your body and have simply never thought of ways to emotionally detoxify.

It's important to find ways to process and make sense of your experiences. Whilst mindfulness, meditation, walking in nature or yoga etc can all help, sometimes you need to do a little more to effectively deal with 'what's on your mind'.

We all go through challenging times... but it's important not to judge one person's challenging time as being less challenging or more challenging than that of another. When you go through a challenging time, how do you effectively deal with the way you feel? Do you have a 'go to' strategy that works for you? If not, here's some examples that might help:


  • Journaling - or writing 'morning pages' (like that recommended in The Artist's Way', by Julia Cameron). This essentially provides a space for you to indulge in some private emotional dumping where you get to write whatever you want... and allow your hand to take over and express. This process can be very therapeutic and can show you some patterns that you may not have previously been aware of. You might even like to periodically burn your writing in a fire ceremony... allowing you to let go of and release anything that no longer serves you.
  • Talking with a friend - sharing authentically from your heart and soul with a 'safe' friend that you know and trust can sometimes be the best medicine. Asking them to reflect what they heard can also help you hear yourself and give you more clarity as to where you are at.
  • Find a therapist who specialises in what you're going through.
  • Find spiritual support - this may be through your church. a group or via a spiritual healer or shaman for example.

Happiness shared doubles the emotion, while sadness or trauma shared halves the impact, proverb.

Toxic emotions and even old memories can store in your gut... and you might experience these 'coming out' as you detox physically. We've had clients purge all kinds of toxic emotions and old memories when they've had a parasite release during a colonic or enema for example.

It can be quite common for 'things to come up' as you heal your gut. If you notice yourself feeling irritable or unexplainably emotional for example, gift yourself the time you need to explore how you feel using one of the strategies above.

One of our promises to you is to never judge. So if you would like to chat and have us hold space for you... we're here for you. This is what makes us different to most other practitioners. We really know how to listen and make the time to do so... because we know how important it is. Learn more about your options for extra support here.

If you'd like to go much deeper into all of this, visit the Metaphysical Aspects Of Gut Health section.

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