Binders To The Rescue

Binders can be life savers during your journey to better health...we recommend keeping some in your 'first aid' cupboard, just in case!


When Experiencing Detox reactions: Binders are very useful to take at any time when you're experiencing detox reactions, such as having an upset tummy, feeling really tired, nauseous and irritable, as they will bind to the toxins which are causing these unpleasant symptoms. That's why we have included binders in our Die-Off Recue Kit

To Prevent Traveler's diarrhea: They can also be helpful while traveling, to prevent you from getting the dreaded traveler's diarrhea.

To Stop Diarrhea: They can help control symptoms of diarrhea.

To Reduce Your Toxic Load: Binders can be used to remove toxins from the body and reduce your overall toxic load, which can greatly improve your health. Note that most binders only bind toxins in the gut, so they have limited use. However, the Vir-Rad-Chem binder and HM-ET binder, which we use in Phase 3 protocol, are powerful binders and can be used to chelate toxins such as heavy metals, radioactive elements and pesticides. They will bind those toxins everywhere in your body, including the brain.

When treating Toxic Mould Illness or Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS), also known as Bio-Toxin Illness: If you have CIRS, you will not excrete mycotoxins/biotoxins and will instead recirculate them in your body for years, if not indefinitely, unless you use binders. Binders are therefore critical for recovery from CIRS.


They literally bind to toxins to allow for their safe elimination from the body via the stools.

Most binders also bind to water... which is why they can reduce diarrhea... but can cause constipation. Make sure to drink plenty of water when taking a binder.


There are many binders available. Here's a little overview.

BIOACTIVE CARBON BINDERS: The binders we recommend during the supplement protocols in Phase 2 and 3 of the program, namely the Biotoxin binder, Carboxy binder, Vir-Rad-Chem binder and HM-ET binder, are all bioactive carbon binders.

They are the "Cadillac" of all binders to reduce your overall toxic load.

Bioactive carbon is made of specially selected extracts of fulvic and humic acids, along with a small amount of micronized zeolite clinoptilolite. It has ultra-strong binding ability for a variety of toxins. Unlike most binders, it can enter the bloodstream and detoxify beyond the gut. It not only has long-chain carbons that are active in your gut, but it also has medium and short-chain carbons that can work in your tissues and cells. It also contains the building blocks your body needs to help restore tissues and cells damaged by toxins.

But what we love most is that bioactive carbon binders only bind and remove what your body doesn't need. This means you can take them with or without food, and also with other supplements. They also tend to constipate less, which is obviously preferred when wanting to detox! And finally, they're safe to use long term.

Biotoxin binder: fantastic for detox reactions caused by 'bugs dying', as it binds and neutralises bacteria and parasites by-products/toxins, which is why we have included it in the Clean Up Protocols. It also binds to mycotoxins, which you'll learn more about in Phase 3 'Go Deeper'.

Carboxy binder:  works systemically to promote full body detoxification. It travels to different areas of the body to remove harmful environmental elements and supports systemic detoxification from environmental toxins. It is in powder form and is very powerful. It should be used in very small amounts to begin with (a pinch) and then slowly increased depending on your tolerance.

Vir-Rad-Chem binder: best for binding and removing radiation, viruses, retroviruses and heavy metals (although not as effective as the HM-ET binder for this purpose). It's a good all rounder and also contains antioxidants and ingredients that promotes detoxification. It's a strong binder which is why we have included it later in the program (Phase 3).

HM-ET binder: best for binding heavy metals, including mercury, arsenic, aluminum and lead. It also binds to environmental toxins such as pesticides, formaldehyde, benzene, glyphosate, BPA, phtalates, etc. This binder acts as a chelator of heavy metals and can cause a bit of headaches at first if you go too quickly, as it pulls toxins out of your cells to be eliminated. This is why we don't include this binder until later in the program (Phase 3).

You can buy the bioactive carbon binders here (US and outside Australia. Use code 3aWjx5GJ ) or here (Australia)

ACTIVATED CHARCOAL: only binds toxins in the gut. Can be useful during a 'die-off' episode. Can also bind to gas and reduce bloating in some people. They will bind and help eliminate some mycotoxins (best for trichothecenes), pesticides and VOCs. They will bind nutrients as well, so best taken away from food and not long term.

BENTONITE CLAY: may help bind and remove some mycotoxins (best for aflatoxins), pesticides and heavy metals (mildly). However, it only binds toxins in the gut. It may be helpful during a detox reaction. Can cause severe constipation in some people, so avoid it if you are prone to constipation.

DIATOMACEOUS EARTH (aka fossil shell flour): silicon dioxide makes up the majority of the contents of diatomaceous earth. If you choose to use it, make sure you get one that is food grade. It's best known to help combat parasitic worms, but this has not actually been tested in human.

CHLORELLA: made of blue-green algae. Often used to remove heavy metals from the body, but it is not as effective as the HM-ET binder in our opinion. Being sourced from the sea, you do have to be very careful when selecting your chlorella, as the chances of contamination are quite high.

ENTEROSGEL: Silica-based gel widely used in Europe to reduce diarrhea and stomach upset during an acute gut infection or food poisoning. It may also help people suffering from IBS-diarrhea. It's not absorbed in the body so works only in the gut. It may also help remove aluminum from the gut.

MODIFIED CITRUS PECTIN: Mainly known and used for its ability to bind heavy metals. Again, although it may be helpful, we believe that the HM-ET binder is more effective and easier to take for that effect.

ZEOLITE: selectively binds to heavy metals and other toxins without interfering with vitamins and trace elements, making it a great binder. The most beneficial form is called zeolite clinoptilolite, which is even more effective if micronized, giving it a greater capacity to bind toxins and hold onto them until you excrete them. This form of zeolite is found in zeoactiv8 and toxaprevent.

Zeolite can also bind to histamine, making it helpful for people with histamine intolerance.


As you can see, there are many options when it comes to binders... and it can get really confusing!

So here is what we have found works for most people:

Detox reactions: activated charcoal and biotoxin binder are best for this purpose. Bentonite clay can also be useful.

GI-Detox from Biocidin contains a mix of various binders, making it a great all-rounder.

Reducing toxic load: if you're looking for a binder that will actively look for, find and bind toxins in your whole body to reduce your overall burden, then the bioactive carbon binders are best, especially the Vir-Rad-Chem and HM-ET binder. Micronized clinoptilolite zeolite is also a good option. These binders can actually cause detox reactions, as they will get toxins out of your cells to be excreted, so you're best to start slow with these and increase gradually. As mentioned, we don't recommend the Vir-Rad-Chem and HM-ET binder until Phase 3.


1- Binders should always be taken at least 2 hours away from prescription medication.

2- Most binders are also best taken away from food and other supplements. The only exception to this rule is the bioactive carbon binders. Those can be taken with or without food, and can also be taken at the same time as your other supplements, which is why we love them!

3- Binders can cause constipation in some people. If you tend towards constipation, check out the Constipation Rescue Kit, and make sure you take something to stimulate your bowel movement while you are taking binders.

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