Epsom Salt Baths

Epsom salt baths are great to promote relaxation, but that's not their only benefit.

They provide an easy to absorb form of magnesium and sulfur, in the form of magnesium sulfate.

Magnesium is a great mineral for many reasons, as more than 300 reactions taking place in the body require the presence of magnesium. Evidence suggests that it lowers blood pressure,reduces the risk of heart attacks, reduces anxiety and depression, improves insomnia, helps with regulation of blood sugar, and much more.

When you take the bath as I described below, you will receive a healthy dose of magnesium in the process.

What many people don't realise is that the sulfate component is just as important.

Sulfur is very important to maintain our overall health. It is in fact the third most abundant mineral element in the body. Unfortunately, many foods high in sulfur, such as garlic, onions and cauliflower, cause digestive issues for many people (for many reasons, including the sulfur they contain, you can read more about sulfur intolerance here) and are best avoided, at least initially.

Epsom salt baths are a great way to get plenty of sulfur in the form of sulfate, while bypassing the digestive tract.


The trick is to use a lot of Epsom salt in each bath. We recommend at least 4 cups added to your bath water.


To get the maximum benefit, take a bath with 4 cups of Epsom salt every day for 7 days. After that, continue to have 1-2 baths per week.

We recommend buying in bulk.

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